Assalamualaikum WBT and a very good day to everyone…

Dear friends,

Have you all ever heard of the phrase ‘comparative religion’ or does your mind go blank when you hear it? Don’t fret, let’s learn about it together!

What is comparative religion actually? Basically, it’s a field of study that studies about the religions that exists in this world! It’s a religious study that analyzes the similarities and differences of themes, myths, rituals and whatnot~

wow... so many religions!!!!

Do you know where your religion came from?
Or do you believe in it just because your family does or your ustaz/rabi/priest etc tells you it’s true?
Have you actually ever studied about all religions just to make sure you’re not being ignorant?
And most importantly,



There are a lot of scholars that are experts in this field, and among them is Shah Kirit Kakulal Govindji; or more famously known as Brother Shah Kirit, a Malaysian himself!
Never heard of him before?
Google it!
Or since I’m feeling generous, you can find out about him here=)

Interested in learning more about comparative religion and what it entails???
Well, to all of us studying here in UNPAD, we’re in luck!
KUBI under one of its bureaus; BAIK(Biro Agama Islam KUBI) is bringing Brother Shah Kirit himself to UNPAD to give a special talk and answer all your questions on this very interesting field!!!

tak sabarnya!! yeaaay!!

Excited? Want more details?

Wait for our poster…
Coming soon to Jatinangor…

Be ready! :D


4 Responses so far.

  1. syuhadah says:

    waa....can`t wait for this..hope everything will run smoothly..lets grab this chance to noe about our religion..takbir!!

  2. Salam~

    Subhanallah, tajuk yang best sangat..
    terima kasih..nak join(^_^)

  3. muniri says:

    prog yg bagus!!!
    shah kirit sgt best bagi ceramah!!
    bile?brape hari?

  4. Dr Hana says:

    Program akan berjalan selama dua hari iaitu dari 1 hingga 2 mei 2009...

    Info lebih lanjut?

    (best betul buat orang suspen ni....hihi:p)

Ahlan wa sahlan


"Selamat datang!" ke blog rasmi Biro Agama dan Kerohanian Kelab UMNO Bandung Indonesia; ataupun lebih mesra dikenali sebagai BAIK (Biro Agama Islam KUBI)

Di sini kami menyediakan ruangan khusus untuk rakan-rakan khususnya di UNPAD untuk mengetengahkan dan mengutarakan apa-apa kemusykilan tentang Islam di sini. Sebarang soalan bolehlah di'email'kan kepada:

Malu bertanya, sesat jalan~

Semoga segala usaha kita diredhai Allah SWT...

Selamat membaca~


Mutabaah Ibadah

  1. membaca al-Quran serta terjemahan- sekali sehari
  2. berjemaah di waktu solat - sekali sehari
  3. solat berjemaah di masjid- sekali sehari
  4. solat di awal waktu- dua kali sehari
  5. berpuasa sunat - dua kali sebulan
  6. membaca bahan bacaan berkaitan dengan ilmu agama (artikel,blog,buku)- sekali sebulan
  7. Riadah bersama rakan-rakan- dua kali sebulan
  8. Qiamullail (solat malam)- sekali sebulan
semangat yuk kawan-kawan.. mari jaga hubungan dgn Allah^_^